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I want resultsss!

If you’re like me, you’re ssskeptical of politicians. I don’t care about the bluster—

I want resssults! Get out of people’s business and do your actual job!

So take a look. Fact check this ssstuff yourself. Vote based on who delivers resultsss!

Factsss some people don't want you to know.

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Nearly 11,000,000 jobs have been created in the past

3 years

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Unemployment is at a historic low of 3.5%

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More small business have started in the past 2 years than any point in history

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The attorney general is currently working to expedite the process for legal cannabis

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The “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law” is the largest investment in the past 50 years

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In the past 4 years, companies have invested nearly $300 billion in US manufacturing

What’s next? Check out these linksss.

People who don’t vote, make me sssick. Register here!

Totally one-sssided, but still good information.

Not a bad sssummary of the differences.

Turn off the news and do your resssearch!

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